Certificate in Diet & Nutrition - ITEC Level 3
Diet and Nutrition for the Complementary Therapist
ITEC Level 3 Certification/NRRI Accreditation/CPD-100 points
The ITEC Level 3 Certificate in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists is an opportunity for learners to focus on the development of their wider skills in complementary therapy and to gain a professional qualification in Diet and Nutrition.
This certificate in Diet and Nutrition offers those with a background in the healing therapies, or those considering entry to the disciplines of holistic health or nutrition, the opportunity to learn about the foundations of human diet and how it impacts health and wellbeing. Taught content includes; the basic biochemistry of digestion, anatomy and physiology of the digestive system and an insight into how it interacts with and impacts the rest of the body. You will be introduced to the biochemistry of calories and nutrients, learn about the nutritional content of common foods and navigate the endless debates and scientific research that exist in the field of nutrition. We will bring you the magic of the gut microbiome, examine diet and lifestyle from across the globe and present the most valid and reliable evidence available.
The course also provides a comprehensive insight into disorder, disease and food intolerances. You will learn about the impact of processing, environmental pollutants and industry on food and we will introduce you to some of the associated risks to human health. Our focus on holism and self-reflection throughout all lessons will help you to treat clients from a physical, psychological, spiritual and socio-economic perspective, while guidance throughout the case study process will help you to become a competent holistic practitioner. This course is ideal for those with an interest in human nutrition, health science or holistic healing. It is interactive, blends science with the concepts and arts of holistic healing and gives a comprehensive introduction to the complex world of human nutrition and dietetics.
Health comes from an holistic approach that takes into consideration the whole picture: we are what we eat, we are what we do and we are what we think. So, with this in mind, what we do needs to be healing, what we eat needs to be strengthening and what we think needs to be uplifting. This course is a perfect complement to Reflexology because health must derive from an holistic approach. As Reflexologists, by adding this skill to our reportoire, we can further support our clients in their healing journeys.
This course provides the related knowledge and understanding required to advise the client on healthy eating and well-being, in particular health and safety considerations, the role and sources of nutrients required for a balanced diet and to maintain good health, understanding of metabolism and the basic rules and guidelines to food labelling.
The main aim of the Level 3 Certificate in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists is to enable learners to gain the necessary theoretical skills in order to provide healthy eating advice to their clients and to gain employment in the complementary therapy industry.
The aim of the Irish School of Reflexology & Wellness is to promote and support the healing journeys of our students and their clients. Our highly professional, student-centred, training is supportive with regular feedback and the opportunity for students to get personalised input from tutors. The course will take you on a journey of personal growth and development that will impact the way you work and the healing services you provide in the future. Our team of tutors highly experienced in nutrition, science, food science and client communication skills will guide you through this journey!
This qualification is geared towards learners who want to work within the complementary therapy industry. The qualification consists of 1 mandatory unit with a total of 100 hours of Guided Learning (GL) to achieve the full qualification.
Knowledge Areas
The main knowledge the student will gain are in the following areas:
Diet and nutrition – to include dietary requirements such as; roles of carbohydrates, protein, fibre, vitamins, nutritional value of foods, effects of antioxidant and common aliments
The learner will also learn about related health and safety and client care and communication which is essential in order to work and be successful in the industry.
This qualification also provides:
The related knowledge and understanding required to perform the healthy eating skills listed above effectively in particular the dietary requirements and common diseases and disorders
Opportunities for learners to focus on the development of their wider skills in a dietary advice setting, such as communicating with clients, working with others and problem solving
Opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills, techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance in employment as a healthy eating adviser.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes:
Know the anatomy, physiology and pathologies of the digestive system
Know the role and sources of nutrients required for a balanced diet to maintain good health and influencing factors
Know how nutrients can be affected by cooking, processing and refining
Know the causes and effects of nutritional imbalance on health and wellbeing
Provide general information on healthy eating
This course is for learners aged 16 and over.
It is designed to provide occupational competency at level 3 and it provides a sound platform for further and continued training at both level 3 & 4.
For learners who want to or already work in complementary therapy industry.
Commitment & Qualification structure (minimum)
Guided Learning Hours (GHL) - e.g. teaching time = 100 hours
Total Qualification Time (TQT) - e.g. an estimate of the total amount of time that could reasonably be expected to be required, in order for a learner to achieve and demonstrate the achievement of the level of attainment necessary for the award of the qualification = 230 hours
Learners are required to provide a portfolio of evidence containing assignments under the supervision of the lecturer who will monitor the quality of the assignments in order to ensure that they meet the criteria.
Assessment and Examination
Your final grade will be awarded based on the following:
Ongoing assessment throughout the course will provide regular support and inspire the achievement of individual learning goals.
A written examination (50% of overall final mark)
Presentation of 20 hours of case studies of clients with dietary and nutritional advice. (50% of overall final mark)
ITEC Accredited
NRRI Accredited
CPD Course - 100 points
€950, deposit of €450 payable on booking.
Please contact info@isrw.ie for enquiries.

This course will be taught online over 16 weeks.
Online classes take place one evening per week on Tuesdays from 7-10pm and there will be one one full Saturday session from 9am-5pm per month.
New term beginning Macrh 2024, now available through blended learning approach.
Dates are subject to change depending on teaching engangements.
Location & delivery
This course is delivered live online Via ZOOM. All classes are recorded. Recordings will be available to the students.
Additional revision class
Students will be offered an optional, full revision class before the exam. The revision class will take place on a date to be advice.
The final exam will be scheduled for a date that suits all students in the class.
Upon successful completion of all the Modules you will carry the internationally recognized ITEC qualification which enables you to gain insurance as a Diet & Nutrition adviser for Holistic Therapies.
ITEC provides leading international qualifications, specialising in Beauty & Spa Therapy, Hairdressing, Complementary Therapies, Sports & Fitness Training and Customer Service with centres in 39 countries.
In Ireland, there are more than 200 colleges and private training providers approved to deliver ITEC qualifications. ITEC supports Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025 (Department of Education and Skills, 2016).
iTEC qualifications are recognised on national and international qualifications frameworks worldwide and are the most employer-preferred qualifications in the industry, being highly sought after by beauty, sport, fitness and therapy businesses globally. ITEC qualification holders are widely known to have a competitive advantage in the labour market. ITEC qualifications are referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and all ITEC qualification holders are also entitled to a Europass Certificate.